Using Tor and a VPN on the Dark Web

The topic of online privacy and security sparks a fiery debate among internet users, and the question of whether a VPN or Tor reigns supreme is no exception. Both offer their unique strengths and weaknesses, but the choice ultimately depends on one’s personal needs and desires.

You’re probably reading this because you’ve got an interest in the Dark Web, a more sinister subset of the Deep Web, a realm of iniquity and vice where illegal activities reign. Drug trafficking, human trafficking, weapons sales, and more atrocities lurk behind its mysterious veil. No judgments, though.

But do you dare to venture into this wicked world without protection? The question of whether to use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) or not lingers in the air like a heavy cloud of uncertainty.

Then, we have the enigmatic Tor, which is a prerequisite for visiting dark web links. The Onion Router, as it’s known, is a free and open-source software that traverses a network of volunteer nodes, creating a web of secrecy that shields users from prying eyes. It’s a cloak of invisibility, a haven for those who seek to evade surveillance and preserve their anonymity. But like all good things, there’s a catch. Tor’s sluggish speeds and occasional website blockades can be a frustrating experience for those seeking uninterrupted browsing.

Yes, you could take the risk and delve into Dark Web websites without a VPN, but beware, for your ISP could catch you in the act, raising suspicion and putting you at risk of facing legal consequences. And that’s not all, without encryption, your online activity is open to prying eyes. Hackers, government agencies, and who knows who else could be lurking, watching your every move. So, should you use both Tor and a VPN?

The decision is tough, similar to a crossroads amid a forest of ambiguity. If privacy and security are important to you, a VPN may be the solution. Tor, on the other hand, is a spiritual haven for people seeking complete anonymity. That is a decision that should not be taken lightly, for it leads to the unknown, and the repercussions are severe.

There is hope in the shape of a VPN, which is essentially a security barrier that encrypts your connection and masks your IP address. It allows you to surf the Dark Web without fear of being found, as well as evade censorship and access prohibited websites. However, beware, not all VPNs are equal, and some may not offer the level of security and privacy you need to safely explore this treacherous terrain.

Nevertheless, not all VPNs are created equal, and some may not provide the degree of protection and anonymity required to properly navigate this perilous terrain.

A VPN, or Virtual Private Network, is a mysterious service that sends customers to a faraway server while enclosing them in a cocoon of protection and encryption. It’s a portal to a world of limitless access, a sort of digital sanctuary. VPNs are a popular tool for bypassing geo-restrictions and accessing information concealed behind virtual walls. Nevertheless, tremendous power comes with great responsibility. Trusting the VPN provider with your online activities is a risk that some people may find too difficult.

But why choose one when you can have both? The power of the VPN and the secrecy of Tor can intertwine, creating an impenetrable fortress of safety. It’s a marriage of convenience, a perfect union of strength and stealth. But beware, for this union comes at a cost. The price of unparalleled privacy and security is a sacrifice of speed, and one must weigh the benefits against the price.

Unfortunately for privacy aficionados, recent research suggests that methods still exist to track browsing on the surface web, as detailed in a 2023 study where Daniel Perdices, PhD:

…presented a model that effectively identifies web browsing activities just using IP addresses. As we motivated, this means that there are potentially many actors that are able to use your data without your consent. This should not only concern users, but also ISPs that may be already providing this data to third-parties. In fact, even some of the best alternatives presumably, such as VPNs, to protect your data and your privacy cannot totally bypass this, which means that we must be aware of this possibility.

The research teams recommendation is that one countermeasure would be “…if the user navigates through Tor or a proxy chain, the browser should use a different exit node for each connection.”¹

Our world is changing rapidly and the battle for personal privacy and security is a present concern. Thus, the choice of a VPN or Tor is a decision that cannot be taken lightly, especially when browsing urls on the dark web. It is a voyage that requires courage, and the seas ahead look rough. Whichever direction you choose, we hope you will find your way to safe shores, and that your digital soul will find peace.

In conclusion, dear friend, though Dark Web links may entice you with content not found elsewhere, tread carefully and protect yourself. Learn how to use Tor properly, then, if you like, find a trustworthy VPN provider, one that prioritizes privacy and security, and know that the risks are real. Be wise, be cautious, and may your journey be safe.


  1. Perdices, Daniel, et al. “Web browsing privacy in the deep learning era: Beyond VPNs and encryption.” Computer Networks 220 (2023): 109471.