Dark Web Links on Reddit

You’ve probably heard of the “dark web” before. It’s a part of the internet that’s not accessible through regular search engines, and it’s often associated with illegal activity, but there’s more to the story. But what exactly are dark web links and how can you find them on Reddit? In this blog post, we’ll take a look at what the dark web is and some of the most popular subreddits for the dark web today.

What is a Dark Web Subreddit?

A subreddit is a user-created board on the social media website Reddit.com. Users can subscribe to boards that interest them, and each subreddit has its own URL. For example, the board for discussion about dark web urls is located at https://www.reddit.com/r/url_darkweb/. Subreddits are organized by topic, and most boards contain links to articles, images, or videos related to that topic. In addition, users can post their own content to the subreddit. When other users upvote or downvote a post, it affects the post’s position on the subreddit’s front page. The front page is determined by a algorithm that takes into account the number of upvotes and downvotes as well as the time since the post was made. Subreddits are a great way to find content that interests you and connect with other people who share your interests.

What is the Dark Web?

The dark web is a part of the internet that can only be accessed using special software, like the Tor browser. When you browse the dark web, your IP address is hidden, which makes it difficult for anyone to track your activity. Because of this anonymity, the dark web is often used for illegal activity, like drug dealing and money laundering. Many pages on Reddit discuss the dark web and how to find good links to sites on the dark web, but they are limited to things that are strictly legal in nature.

How Did the Dark Web Come to Be?

The dark web was created in the late 1990s by US military researchers who were looking for a way to communicate securely online. They developed a technology called “onion routing,” which is what allows users to browse the dark web anonymously. Onion routing works by encrypting data and sending it through multiple layers of servers before it reaches its destination. This makes it very difficult for anyone to intercept or track the data.

What are Some Popular Platforms on Reddit for the Dark Web?

There are numerous platforms on the dark web, but some of the most popular ones include:






The dark web can be a dangerous place, but it’s also home to many legal platforms and websites. If you’re curious about exploring the dark web, be sure to do so safely and responsibly. One of the best places to get more information is on a specific subreddit dedicated to the dark web or secure browsing.

Finding the Best Dark Web Sites

The dark web is a part of the internet that can only be accessed using special software. In order to access the dark web, you will need to use a search engine like TOR. Once you have accessed the dark web, you will be able to find websites that are not indexed by traditional search engines.

How to find the best dark web sites?

The first step is to install the TOR browser. TOR is a free browser that can be downloaded from the internet. Once you have installed TOR, you will be able to access the dark web.

The second step is to find a search engine for the dark web. There are many different search engines that can be used to find websites on the dark web. Some of these include DuckDuckGo, StartPage, and Hidden Wiki.

The third step is to find subreddits like url_darkweb and websites that interest you. There are many different types of websites on the dark web. Some of these include drug markets, hacking forums, and social media platforms.

The fourth step is to bookmark your favorite websites. This will allow you to easily access your favorite websites in the future.

The fifth step is to never reveal your identity on the dark web. This is because many of the activities that take place on the darknet are illegal. revealing your identity could get you into trouble with the law enforcement.

The best way to find dark web sites is to use a search engine like TOR and then use a specialized search engine like DuckDuckGo or StartPage. You should also bookmark your favorite websites so that you can easily access them in the future. Finally, remember to never reveal your identity on the dark web as many of the activities that take place on it are illegal.

Notorious criminals of the dark web

The internet is one of humankind’s best inventions, but it can also be a scary place. There are plenty of predators and crimes that happen in the darkest recesses of the web. In this piece, we will explore some of the most notorious criminals that have been active on the dark web.

1. The founders of Silk Road were two men who shared a vision of creating an online marketplace where people could buy and sell anything they wanted, no questions asked. The site was a haven for drug dealers and other illegal activity, and it is estimated that over $1 billion worth of illegal drugs were sold on Silk Road before it was shut down by the FBI in 2013.

2. Dread Pirate Roberts was the pseudonym used by Ross Ulbricht, the operator of Silk Road. Ross Ulbricht is perhaps the most well-known criminal on this list. He is the founder and operator of Silk Road, an online marketplace that was used to buy and sell illegal drugs. Ulbricht ran Silk Road under the pseudonym “The Dread Pirate Roberts.” Ulbricht was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole after being convicted on charges of money laundering, drug trafficking, and conspiracy to traffic fraudulent IDs. During his trial, prosecutors presented evidence that showed Ulbricht had hired multiple hitmen to kill people who were cooperating with law enforcement or who he believed were a threat to his operation. Thankfully, none of those hitmen were actually able to carry out any murders.

3. “Biggest drug market on the Darknet,” known as Big dealers in China, was an online marketplace that allowed users to buy and sell drugs anonymously. The site had over 100,000 registered users and $17 million worth of illegal drugs were sold on the site before it was shut down by Chinese authorities in 2015.

4. Bitcoin Fog is a service that allows people to anonymize their bitcoins. The service has been used by criminals to launder money from illegal activity, and it is estimated that over $100 million worth of bitcoins have been laundered through Bitcoin Fog since it was created in 2011.

5.Joshua Schulte is a former CIA employee who is accused of leaked classified information to WikiLeaks. He has been charged with 13 counts of espionage and faces up to 135 years in prison if convicted.

6. Lauri Love is a British man who is accused of hacking into thousands of computers belonging to the U.S. government and military. He faces up to 99 years in prison if extradited to the United States and convicted on all charges against him.

7.’ Phantom Secure’ is a Canadian company that supplied encrypted phones to criminal organizations around the world. The company’s founder, Vincent Rampton, plead guilty to racketeering conspiracy and faces up to 20 years in prison.’

8. Cody Wilson is the founder of Defense Distributed, a Texas-based company that designs and manufactures 3D-printed firearms. Wilson first gained notoriety in 2013 when he released plans for a 3D-printed handgun called “The Liberator.” He followed that up in 2015 by releasing plans for an AR-15 lower receiver that could be manufactured using a 3D printer.

Wilson’s actions sparked a lot of controversy, with many people arguing that his actions could lead to an increase in gun violence. In 2018, Wilson reached a settlement with the US State Department that allowed him to release his plans for 3D-printed firearms online. As part of the settlement, Wilson agreed to block users from accessing his website from within the United States.

9. Kim Dotcom is a German-Finnish businessman who is best known for his involvement with Megaupload, a now-defunct file-sharing website that allowed users to illegally download copyrighted material.’ Dotcom was arrested in New Zealand (where he resides) and facing extradition to the United States but was later released on bail. He is currently awaiting extradition proceedings.

10. An Irishman known only as “Piggy” was arrested in 2013 for his involvement in an international child pornography ring. Piggy pled guilty to child pornography possession and distribution charges and was sentenced to 5 years in prison. Sadly, there are plenty of cases of this sort as people try to profit off the suffering of children.


These are just a few examples of notorious criminals who have been active on the dark web. If you ever find yourself on the dark web, be sure to exercise caution as you could be putting yourself at risk by interacting with criminals. The dark web can be a strange place, but there are also plenty of people working hard to keep it safe for everyone who uses it. Thanks for reading!

Why Does the Dark Web Exist?

why does the dark web exist?

The question arises from time to time, why the dark web is allowed to exist. There are several compelling reasons to utilize the dark web that have nothing to do with unlawful behavior. For people who live in countries where the internet is heavily monitored, the untraceable anonymity of the dark web may be the only means to obtain knowledge and interact with others.

While it provides little comfort, if you do find your own information on the dark web, at least you’ll be aware that you’ve made some mistakes when it comes to securing your data. However, there’s not much you can do once it is already on the dark web.

It is not a crime to access and browse the dark web. It’s the best place to go for truly private browsing (though it tends to be a lot slower than regular search engines), which is great for getting free research information and finding new forums or social media sites that aren’t heavily moderated.

Yet, the dark web is a lot more complicated than simply using Tor to browse it in order to get access to illicit markets or to publish your controversial political opinions. To counteract activities that are unlawful and indecent in free societies, while also safeguarding the genuine advantages of an anonymized network, law enforcement must take a role in trying to clamp down on the most egregious activity offered on the dark web for the sake of society.

Contrary to popular belief, terms like “deep web” are sometimes used interchangeably with “dark web”, although they are not synonymous.

The dark web is a tiny section of the deep web that has been purposely concealed. It’s tough to tell exactly how large the dark web is, but many web professionals think it could be as large as 8% of the internet as we know it. Not every part of the dark web is used for criminal activities, though it may sound like a scary place.

The term “deep web” is used to describe any content on the internet that can’t be found using a search engine. This includes content that requires sign-in credentials, online payment, as well as anything the site creators have blocked web crawlers from indexing. The info is still residing on a server somewhere, but it can’t be accessed without an additional step that is not public.

The deep web is constantly growing and becoming more economically important, though it remains hidden from most people. Any search engine that can accurately and quickly scour the entire web would be useful, but we are many years away from that technology, and with security protocols related to IP and TCP paths in view, it is extremely doubtful that we will ever have access to the deep web.

Many of today’s corrosive threats to society operate in the shadows of networks such as Tor, and deserve the attention of law enforcement agencies and governments. Although the total illicit activity on the dark web is relatively small economically, it has begun permeating many different aspects our everyday lives and threatens the balance between personal autonomy and anarchy.

The legality of your conduct on the dark web is determined entirely on the purpose for which you’re utilizing the dark web. You are still bound by laws regardless of where you get your information from. Law enforcement personnel are also aware of black market sites.

But there’s more to the story: maybe dark web links simply offer privacy and anonymity to people who are concerned about how elected officials, businesses, governments, and other organizations might monitor, collect, and exploit their data and online activity without proper permission.

Is the Dark Web Dangerous or Not?

For those who are genuinely interested in learning more about the dark web, but are concerned about how safe it is, we hope to dispel some of their doubts.

So you’re interested in the dark web, but are wondering if it’s safe or whether the government or other authorities are going to be watching you? The majority of individuals who have heard about the dark web but have yet to explore it are concerned about its safety.

What Is the Dark Web and How Does It Work?

The dark web, as the name implies, is a subsection of the deep web. It includes not only legal and illegal websites, but also trading sites where people can buy and sell items and services. The dark web, on the other hand, is commonly associated with the deep web. The dark web, in fact, constitutes only a tiny portion of the deep web.

The dark web, as we have seen in this article, can be quite hazardous for normal internet users. Why is it so dangerous? It’s uncharted territory with a large number of illicit sites that may be set up by law enforcement to catch criminals. These websites may appear to be quite benign to the inexperienced eye. However, you can easily end up accessing one that sells illegal substances, fake IDs and passports, stolen goods, and even weapons.

There are phony onion links that are simple to come across, as they are designed to mislead criminals. Naturally, making transactions on one of these sites may result in serious penalties, so be sure it’s reputable and well-known by more seasoned TOR users before proceeding.

Dark Web Software: Intentional Criminality or Just Naïve Opportunism?

Malware is a major issue on the dark web. It’s generally distributed in the form of a file or link, making it simple to infect your computer. Every link you click on may be dangerous if you’re not an experienced user of the dark web. Obviously, don’t open and run any .exe file unless you understand how to use a sandbox.

Vawtrack, Skynet, and Nionspy are the most frequent malware types used to steal bitcoin, passwords, financial accounts, and other critical papers stored on your computer. With all of this in mind, it appears that exploring the dark web is somewhat like walking into the wrong part of town at night, by yourself. Unless you’re from that part of the city, you had better be extra cautious until you know what you’re doing.

What is the best darknet browser? Is there a secure method to explore the notoriously dangerous dark web? Fortunately, yes.

Browsing the Dark Web Safely

If you choose to go down the dark web after all, keep these principles in mind:

Protect your identity

Create a throwaway email account before heading to the dark web. Use a pseudonym from another message and don’t supply your real name or personal information.

Don’t download files

This is a no-brainer. Don’t download anything if you’re a first-time dark web url user.

Think before you click

The usual rule of thumb is that if something appears to be too good to be true, it most likely is. Avoid any websites or individuals who appear shady; likewise, trust your instincts and avoid anybody who appears overly welcoming.

Single-use credit cards

If you’re thinking about making a dark web purchase, you’ll most likely be using bitcoin or a privacy coin like XMR. Sometimes you might find a seller who will take credit cards so use a prepaid single-use card rather than your normal credit card in those circumstances.

Normally, before you make a purchase, you double-check to ensure that the website you’re using is safe. You can do so by looking for https or http at the beginning of the URL. If the URL begins with https, it is secure. However, Dark web URLs don’t work that way, as you know, therefore there’s no protection for payments when using cryptocurrency systems that are nonrefundable.

Concluding Thoughts

It’s not really a matter of whether links to the dark web are hazardous; it all depends on how you intend to use use these urls. If you want to learn more, follow the instructions mentioned above and safely browse the dark web.

How the Dark Web Came to Be

dark net history

There is a lot of mystery and lore around the dark web, primarily because it has been sensationalized in movies and television. This is not to say that the depictions of the dark web are entirely exaggerated in popular media, because there is some truth to the notion that it is a place of lawlessness, but as with many things there is always more to the story.

What is the dark web, anyway?

The dark web is a part of the internet that can only be accessed using special software, such as the Tor browser. It is often associated with illegal activity, but there are many legitimate uses for the dark web.

The Internet Becomes the Dark Net

In 2011, a new era of the web was spawned, and that era was the Dark Net. The Dark Net was an underground network of sites which was generally unknown to the general public. The terminology “Dark Net” was coined in 2009 by designer Nick Szabo.

The purpose of the Dark Net was to remain anonymous and hidden from the public. It housed many illicit, illegal sites. Sites such as child pornography, fraud, and hacking.

In essence, the Dark Net was the internet before it became the internet. It was the internet that was hidden, removed from the open internet, and the public. Many sites there are dedicated to selling illicit material, such as counterfeit goods, and worse.

Some of the benefits of the dark web include:

– anonymity: users can remain anonymous and their activities cannot be traced

– freedom of speech: the dark web can be used to access information and communicate without fear of censorship

– privacy: users can communicate and share information without having their data tracked or monitored

To access the dark web, you will need to use a dark web link like those on our homepage. These links are not accessible through standard browsers and can only be accessed using special software. Once you have accessed a dark web link, you will be able to browse the dark web just like you would the regular internet.

Keep in mind that the dark web can be a dangerous place, so it is important to take precautions when using it. Make sure that you are only accessing dark web links from a trusted source, and never enter your personal information or credit card details into any form on the dark web. If you follow these safety measures, you can safely enjoy all the benefits the dark web has to offer.

The internet is a global network, connecting billions of people all over the globe. It has gone far beyond what we ever imagined. It is as accessible as running water or electricity, and with quick access a vast majority of people have access to an amazing amount of information and knowledge. The internet is becoming an essential part of most people’s day to day lives, and the dark web is part of that evolution.

The development and evolution of the internet over the last 40 years has been nothing short of amazing. It has changed the world. Like it or not, the history of the internet would be incomplete if we did not take the dark web into focus as well.

Tails vs TOR, what’s the difference?

There is a lot of confusion and bad information going around about Tor and Tails. This article should clear the confusion and answer the question.

First of all, lets start with some definitions. Tor is a network, or rather an encrypted network of multiple networks and servers which allows its users to disguise their identities and movements. Tor was created by the US Navy as a method of protecting the identity of their internet traffic. It’s named after the original network architecture by the creators of the original protocol.

Tails is used as a USB. It’s a Linux distro (based on Debian) with pre-configured settings to setup a anonymous and encrypted connection. It is constantly updated and runs Debian stable. All files, passwords, cookies and DNS requests are encrypted with a user defined password. This eliminates the risk of having your internet history or identifying information stolen. It also allows you to browse the internet anonymously through an exit node (a router that allows data to leave the Tor network) that Google, Facebook and other sites do not have access to.

Tails is a distribution that can be used to access the internet in an anonymous fashion. However, in order to do so, you have to download all the programs as an exe file. This is required to set up a Tails specific interface. Additionally, when downloading files, this information is recorded and stored in locations that Tor users do not have access to.

Tor is the service running in the background and using Tails allows you to access its features.

The Tor Browser Bundle, or TBB, is a standalone browser which is quick and easy to setup and use. It uses the Tor network to provide anonymity for users. The bundle contains all of the needed programs to allow a user to use the Tor network.

The Tor Browser includes features such as HTTPS connections, file downloads, HTTPS secured sites and the ability to connect to local WiFi hotspots.

Advantages of TBB

Ease of use
The TBB is quite easy to use, set up and works well. It has been designed to be used by non-technical users.

Built with security in mind
Security is a huge part of the TBB. It checks your connection for open ports, encryption security, web browser encryption, key management and the up to dateness of the browser itself.

Encrypted files
The TBB provides users with an encrypted area for saving files. It is encrypted with the user defined password, so no one else can see the contents.

Security when using Tor
Tor does not provide true anonymity because you’re still relying on your OS, like Windows, to use the browser. Due to the nature of Tor, certain information will still be recorded and users are still traceable. However, this can be rectified by using a VPN.

Advantages of Tails

Easy setup
Tails setup is a breeze. It is only required that you have a USB flash drive of at least 8GB capacity, up to date Windows or Linux computer and a command prompt. Simply download the files to the USB drive, run setup and follow the prompts. After this has been done, boot up your computer, insert the USB drive and boot up the Tails desktop.

Easy of use
Tails has very straight forward features and is easy to use. There is no need for technical knowledge.

Works on all operating systems
Tails currently supports all major operating systems.

Complete privacy
Tails provides complete privacy. No data recorded (like websites visited) is seen by anyone else other than the person running Tails.

Advantages of using Tor over Tails

Tor provides you with quicker speeds when you are surfing the internet. This is because it routes your traffic through nodes which statistically have faster connections than your average internet connection.

True anonymity
The Tor network provides you anonymity.

Disadvantages of Tor

Both Tor and Tails are free.

Lack of support
Some support is provided for Tor products, but a large amount of support is done via forums. This may end up being frustrating.

Dark Web URLs You Won’t Find on Google

There is no doubt that the 1st place you will look for information when you need to know something is on Google. Google is a great site, it is huge and it has grown into the most important search engine in the world. Everything we need to know can be found by searching on Google. It is probably the best site when it comes to helping us find stuff.

Unfortunately, Google is not a 100% accurate site. I know you may be thinking that it is absurd to think that a search engine can be inaccurate but it happens. What Google provides us with is what we think is true. Because Google operates based on public data. In other words, the information we enter on the search is not 100% true because there’s more to the story.

This is where the dark web comes in.

There are many sites that search engines do not index. These sites are hidden and often hidden from their domain. If you go to Google and type any of the urls on our homepage you will not see that website.

The Dark Web is a collection of websites that can only be accessed using special browsers. To access the Dark Web, you’ll need to use a special browser like the Tor browser. Once you have the Tor browser installed, you can access any website with a “.onion” address. These websites are often used for questionable purposes, and as such, are not indexed by regular search engines like Google.

If you’re curious about the Dark Web, there are a few different ways to explore it safely. One option is to use a search engine like DuckDuckGo after you download TOR, which includes results from the Dark Web in its search results.

Some of our fave sites that you won’t find on Google are

  • AccMarket
  • Mixabit
  • Snopyta
  • Spyware Watchdog

We have links to all of these on our homepage.

They are not illegal for the purpose of helping you look for stuff. So they are not like the original dark web sites which were created for illegal purposes. They are illegal mostly because they are being used to market, advertise or distribute things.

There are thousands of them and they are all very interesting. Some of them are entirely legal. All legal means no adult content, or content which is fraudulent or illegal in some way. However, there can be content that is not completely legal. This is usually because the content of these websites has been posted in error and that content is illegal.

When you visit the dark web, you will notice that there is a vast array of different types of sites.

Some sites are large with hundreds of thousands or even millions of pages. Some sites are small, with a handful of pages. Many sites allow you to download videos, software, or other things

Do Safe Dark Web Links Exist?

Most people only know the dark web as a place where illegal things happen. But there’s a lot more to it than that. In fact, the dark web can be a great place to find information and resources that you can’t find anywhere else. The key to staying safe on the Dark Web is to only visit sites that are known to be trustworthy. Unfortunately, there is no surefire way to know for sure if a site is safe.

And while there are certainly some risks involved in browsing the dark web, there are also ways to stay safe. Assuming you are already familiar with the basics of the Dark Web, we will now focus on how to find safe links.

Here are some tips for finding safe dark web links:

1. Use a reputable search engine. Not all search engines index the dark web, but there are a few that do. Start with a search engine like Torch or DuckDuckGo.

2. Stick to well-known websites. The best way to find safe dark web links is to stick to websites that are known and trusted. There are plenty of forums and directories that can help you find what you’re looking for. We list many of them on our homepage.

3. Use a VPN. A VPN (virtual private network) encrypts your traffic and routes it through a server in another location. This makes it much harder for anyone to track your activity or steal your data.

4. Be careful what you click on. The dark web is full of scams and malicious software. Don’t click on any links that look suspicious, and don’t download anything unless you trust the source.

5. Keep your operating system and software up to date. This will help protect you from exploits and vulnerabilities that could be used to compromise your system.

By following these tips, you can browse the dark web safely and securely. Just remember to use caution and common sense, and you’ll be fine.

How to Communicate Anonymously Online

Dark Web URLs was founded with the goal of providing the most up-to-date and reliable information on dark web links. We understand that the dark web is ever-changing, which is why we are committed to providing our users with the latest research and findings. Whether you’re a researcher, journalist, or just curious about what’s happening on the dark web, Dark Web URLs is your go-to source for information.

When you communicate online, there are a number of ways to do so anonymously. This can be important for a variety of reasons, including protecting your identity and preventing others from tracking your online activity.

There are a few different ways to communicate anonymously online. One way is to use a web-based anonymous communication service like Anonymouse.org. With this service, you can send and receive anonymous messages without revealing your identity.

Signal is a popular IM service, which is open source, high security, and peer reviewed. Edward Snowden and Jack Dorsey are just a couple of it’s prominent users. If you’re security-minded, drop WhatsApp and other services that spy on your communication.

Another way to communicate anonymously is to use a protonmail account. Protonmail is a secure email service that encrypts your messages and stores them on its servers in Switzerland. This means that your messages are private and cannot be accessed by anyone except the person you are sending them to.

If you want to set up a protonmail account, follow these steps:

1. Go to protonmail.com and click on the “Create Account” button.

2. Enter your desired username and password, then click on the “Create Account” button.

3. Protonmail will send you an activation link to your email address. Click on this link to activate your account.

4. Once your account is activated, you can log in and start sending and receiving secure emails.

Protonmail accounts are a great way to communicate anonymously and keep your messages private. Follow the steps above to create your own protonmail account today.

Another way to communicate anonymously online is to use a virtual private network (VPN). A VPN encrypts all of your traffic, making it impossible for anyone to track your online activity. Additionally, many VPN providers offer anonymous IP addresses, which further protects your identity.

Finally, you can also use Tor to communicate anonymously online. Tor is a free, open-source software that routes your traffic through a network of anonymous relays. This makes it impossible for anyone to track your online activity or identify your location.

If you need to communicate anonymously online, there are a number of different options available to you. By using a web-based anonymous communication service, VPN, or Tor, you can prevent others from tracking your online activity and protect your identity.